Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What did the black girl mean by saying this to me..?

ok in my highschool me and this black girl got into a debate over a black guy name kamar(he is a hottie) anyways she said '''you cant have him susie, he is my babby daddy'' kumar stood on the side in confusion because he doesn't have kids. Anywho the argument went into complete turmoil. She called me ''pink pig girl'' ''pancake '' etc,etc she went pretty racial anyways i walked over to kumar and i asked him do he know her ? he said ''no,she must be high on something'' so i told shanequa wallace that she needs to lay off the gonja and kumar is my man and i tap kissed his cheek to show her he was my property. She got angry and shouted something in swaheli ''kipa,ketcha'' i dunno not sure what it was anyways when she ran at me, i did a jackie chan swing kick and took off her blonde weave for the whole school to see she had no hair and she was bald. Everyone laughed and she got embarred and started crying and she said ''you going get yours susie luv b..hepta dunde'' then she ran out i stood their puzzled by that. wtf kinda word is hepta dunde ? anyone can translate swaheli ? or was this just typical ghetto talk ? what did she mean by these last ominous remarks ?


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